Landscaping allows a property to be transformed by adding plants, shrubs, flowers, and trees in aesthetically pleasing ways. With all of these additional plantings, landscaping is clearly environmentally beneficial. The roots of trees, shrubs, grasses, and groundcovers trap and filter dust and other pollutants found in rainwater. This is not only important to the plants for the nutrients they absorb, but also to prevent these pollutants from becoming a source of water pollution. According to one study, one tree can remove up to 26 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere annually. This amounts to 11,000 miles of car emissions! The same roots that filter pollutants are also responsible for stabilizing soil and being a great source of erosion control. This is especially advantageous to us here on the coast!
The roots are not the only parts of the plants that provide positive impacts. Large shade trees help to control temperature extremes and keep your property cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, cutting down on your electric bill AND decreasing energy usage to keep your home’s temperature regulated. And last, but not least, landscaping provides a natural refuge for wildlife. Birds, insects, squirrels, rabbits, and other creatures use trees and shrubs as protection from predators and a source of shelter and food year round.
So plant a tree or plant a garden, and start reducing your carbon footprint!